Sunday, 6 March 2011


It's my 1st bloggerversary! I've managed a whole year of blogging, and to be honest I've surprised myself. When you start, you think you haven't much to say and then you soon get into the swing of it and just constantly babble on. I really appreciate anyone out there who reads this too, makes me feel a little more sane.

Last Saturday was my monthly quilting fix day, and this time we learnt Rail Fence (up at the top) and Basket Weave (green one above). The basket weave was my first case of 'fussy cutting' which means I only chose to use part of the fabric. I cut all the flowery stripes out and threw the rest away, what a waste.
I'm starting to come round to the idea that you could do all of these patterns in similar fabrics and then piece them all together in the end to make a big sampler quilt. The fabrics I've been using so far are so different I don't think they'd make a nice looking quilt, it'd probably look like some kind of weird schizophrenic quilt instead.

The Toad in the Puddle and Double T squares that I made last month have now been made into cushions. I could do with a bit more practise on the zips part of it, but overall I think they look pretty jolly.

I might make more of my practise squares into cushions, they work quite well, but the two from this month are currently being quilted up to make two baby doll blankets. It'll save my tea towels from going missing all the time and turning up in random places around the house.


  1. I'm really glad you started it up! It's great to see what you're making!

  2. I know I love it and blogville as a whole. It's all so inspiring, it's all I want to read - so glad i got into it. I often wish Jess did one, I bet it would be really interesting.
