Thursday 2 December 2010


Last night I moved the advent calendar along a bit more. Four squares now have numbers on, whoop, whoop!

I've decided to make the numbers out of felt, but was scared to cut out the shapes so I've kind of cheated. I have been putting spray mount onto the back of each number printout, leaving it for a few minutes to become less tacky, then sticking it to the piece of felt. It's not strong enough glue to stay attached to the fabric forever, but is strong enough to stay in place while I then cut around the shapes with my trusty scalpel. Fortunately the spray mount is also not strong enough to pull half the felt off with it when removed either. Happy days.

I've been playing around with the stitching, and have opted for a simple running stitch by hand in embroidery thread. I'm going to let each individual pocket dictate which colour thread to use, some I've done in contrasting colours, some are in closely matched colours. It may all end up being a bit of a dogs dinner, but at the moment it feels like it's flowing nicely.

Still quite a few to go, but what better way to start December than sitting in front of an open fire, sewing numbers, and watching Lord Alan tell no hopers why they should be fired.

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