Thursday, 11 August 2011

Teacher's presents

A few months ago (well the beginning of the year) I was in desperate need for a new bag, so I bought the HOOT! tote pattern from Cloud 9 fabrics.

I wasn't able to buy the blue owl fabric instantly, like I wanted, so instead I bought some of the nursery fabrics and made the tote up with them. It was really, really, easy to make and I used the bag instantly hence me forgetting to blog about it here.

My daughter's class is called 'foxes' so I thought for the teacher's presents it would nice to do a smaller sized tote with a fox face on the front. Seemed simple enough.

I felt rather clever that I'd gone and bought the fabric in May, leaving plenty of time to make up the bags, Ha! I was wrong. In my head I felt the deed was done, and yet in actual fact I had forgotten all about actually making them up, that is until three nights before the end of term when it finally sunk in. So after a couple of frantic nights sewing, they were done

The photos had to be hurriedly taken as my daughter was wrapping them up to take in that day.

1 comment:

  1. They look GREAT! I really like the foxes, such a wonderful gift. Bethx
